Our Mission

Christian Community Services, Inc. (CCSI) began in 1997 as a partnership between Schrader Lane Church of Christ and Woodmont Hills Family of God Church of Christ. The predominately African American congregation, under the leadership of Dr. David Jones, Jr. and predominately Caucasian congregation, under the direction of Dr. Rubel Shelly sought to address the racial and economic barriers that often crippled those trying to move from government dependence to self-sufficiency.

In its 21 years of operation, CCSI has grown from a church ministry partnership to a fully operational 501c3 with multiple staff, working Board and annual budget of  $275,000.


The idea is...

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

— Chinese Proverb


During this time, CCSI partners became a key tenant and contributor to the Vine Hill Community Center where our office is currently housed. While our initial target audience were those living in the Vine Hill and Preston Taylor Hope IV Housing Developments, CCSI has expanded its outreach to accommodate families from Davidson and surrounding counties.

CCSI provides the resources, tools and encouragement to move from government dependency to self-sufficiency through its financial literacy programs: Mentoring Toward Independence, monthly Basic Financial Training workshops and monthly THDA Home Buyer Education workshops. Additionally, MTI participants are eligible to open an Individual Development Account that is a matched savings program in which the participant uses for a large asset purchase such as a home, microenterprise or higher education tuition.

Since 2000, 148 CCSI families have moved from government dependency to self-sufficiency saving taxpayers over $3.3 million in government subsidies. 117 of those who are self-sufficient are first-time home owners who collectively are paying over $696,000 in annual property taxes! At CCSI, together with our volunteers, faithful supporters, dedicated staff and determined participants, we are CHANGING LIVES and BUILDING LEGACIES!